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Any company that intends to expand its operations requires an advanced and flexible Cloud ERP that guarantees the continuity of its processes. So argues Rainer Zinow, Senior Vice President of Product Management for SME Enterprises at SAP, in the Forbes article “3 Advanced ERP Capabilities Redefining Resilience For Medium-Size Business”.

This was the case of GALPA, a leading company in the HVAC/R system's distribution (Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration) with more than 3,000 clients and at least 6,000 SKUs in its database.

Next, we present the challenges that GALPA faced in its mission and how it has developed a successful growth process with SAP Business ByDesign and Dintec Consulting support.

Cloud ERP: A required system for growing companies


GALPA is a specialized company that has more than 50 years of experience in Ventilation, Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration products, and White Line parts distribution.

Until 2009, it was maintained with sales and distribution focused on a single country. However, they intended to expand globally, to tap into new markets. 


Challenges in the GALPA expansion process


Achieving their goals required considering several factors:

  • Avoid costs while growing, particularly not having to invest in any IT infrastructure.
  • Keep information connected, safe and secure.
  • The ability to implement and get their system up and running quickly at new locations.
  • Obtain valuable and reliable insights that could support the expansion to different markets.

Dintec Solution: Business Transformation with SAP Business ByDesign


Thanks to Dintec’s distinguished consulting and support service, GALPA decided to partner with us to find the perfect SAP solution for their needs.


After an in-depth analysis of GALPA's business processes, operations, and objectives, Dintec suggested the implementation of the Cloud ERPSAP Business ByDesign” to ensure the maximum return on investment.

 This solution was characterized by:

To not require investment in infrastructure

GALPA managers and collaborators only need a browser and an Internet connection to see real-time data on operations at their new offices around the world.

Consider integrated data-driven analytics

With the new ERP system, GALPA had access to more than 400 reports with valuable data for making accurate decisions. This helped to obtain proactive and preventive management because instead of solving problems as they occur, they are anticipated by operating in reactive mode.

Thus, having data available for real-time analysis increased the company's resilience and adaptation capacity. 

To be an integral, scalable, and fast solution

The implemented Cloud ERP provided GALPA with a live view of its data. For all levels, at each location or altogether, you have access to:

  • Finance
  • Logistics
  • Inventory
  • Costs
  • Clients
  • Service 

The ERP modules make it flexible and scalable, which is essential for a company to maintain its continuity and growth.


To implement a Cloud ERP with secured data

By having implemented a true cloud-based ERP, the information is stored in SAP data centers, where it is monitored, maintained, and protected. In this way, GALPA minimized IT resources, eliminated infrastructure costs, and increased their data security.

Implementing SAP Business ByDesign provided the company with a platform to continue collecting data and extracting meaning from it, even in its growth stage.

Results and benefits for GALPA

 The result of all of the above led to the company going from having operations in a single country, to achieving expansion to more than 8 countries. Currently, it serves clients in more than 40 countries, including all Latin America and the Caribbean.

Principal benefits:

  • Sales growth tripled
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Improved access to information
  • Business unified vision
  • Integrated business processes
  • Consistent and reliable regulatory compliance across all their locations
  • 50% reduction in accounting closing time
  • Increased customer satisfaction and retention


We see a very bright future for our business.

Carlos Hómez, Chief Marketing Officer, GALPA Export Corp


As we know, the most successful companies are those who take significant steps to prepare for whatever lies ahead. In this sense, the adoption of advanced management systems, such as SAP Business ByDesign, not only helps to grow profitably but also ensures business continuity even in difficult times like the ones we are currently experiencing.


SAP Business ByD is a Cloud ERP created especially for small and medium-sized companies, to provide maximum flexibility and scalability. This allowed GALPA to ensure sustainable growth.


If you are looking for a Cloud ERP system that guarantees resilience, continuity, and accelerated growth, come to Dintec! Contact us and allow our experts to guide you in this important decision for your business.