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Mobile Warehouse Scanner App ByDintec Add-On

Dintec prides itself on the development of a range of software tools designed to optimize organizational operations. One such tool is the Handheld ByDintec Add-On which enhances control and record-keeping of your business processes through the integration of handheld mobile devices.

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Enhancing Client Efficiency: Dintec's Tailored Software Tools

The Handheld ByDintec Add-On seamlessly integrates your handheld mobile device's logistics and production activities with SAP Business ByDesign This integration leads to expedited and more optimized product counting, facilitating greater efficiency in your operations.


  • Goods received
  • Goods shipped
  • Customer returns
  • Supplier returns
  • Product count
  • Production procurement
  • Transfer and product movements
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Decreased operating times
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Management simplification

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Inventory control

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Product traceability

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Easy information processing

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Operational mobility


Wireless connectivity

Category and user-specific catalogs

Why Choose Dintec?

Dintec is a beacon of assistance for our clients, helping them utilize, optimize, and expand their SAP Business ByDesign solutions. Additionally, we proudly bear the distinction of being the first partner to achieve SAP Recognized Expertise in SAP Business ByDesign.

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